2014 Snapshots

Monday, January 31

being mother, being busy…


January’s come and gone and it’s just gone by so fast I’m wondering if this will be the pace for the rest of the year. 

I had so many lists with things that I wanted to do or al least sign up for in this month and well I just haven’t done any of them.  Like signing up for the Muay Thai (thai kickboxing class), or getting in touch with the music teacher to start learning the guitar and that Zumba class I’ve been wanting to try out.  I have to do something for me, right?

Hopefully February will be the month I get it done.

My books finally arrived.. I’ve been waiting for them anxiously. I’m tempted to start reading them although I still have to finish off this book.

Happy Week to you all.

Here’s a link to the book(s) that I received today. check them out, I think you’ll like them.


Francesca said...

I also buy books online, but I do miss browsing among the shelves in a good bookstore!

StarletStarlet said...

Wow! I am blog hopping and so glad that I found you.

I love your pictures a lot!

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