2014 Snapshots

Friday, August 20

Friday’s Fave Five # 56

FFF blue

Friday’s make me happy.  Happy that we got through another week and that the weekend is here to relax.

Well welcome to Friday’s Fave Five where a community of bloggers share those little and big things that made our week just a little brighter. 

Thanks Susanne, you are an awesome host and I’m sure your excited to shoot for another 100 posts!! Check out her website for more Fave Five’s.

So here’s my five.

1.  Phone call to a dear friend.  Today I had a very long phone conversation with a dear old friend back in the states.  It’s been such a long time and it was so good to catch up on each other’s lives. I miss her and her lovely family.

2.  clearing paper.  Emile Barnes “don’t pile it, file it” has hit home again. (i have like a couple of these moments throughout the year!).  It’s such a good feeling after going through the piles of papers that have been growing all over the house. I’ve filed and thrown away much this week.

3.  Sleep.  After starting the week with very little sleep I finally slept like a log last night.  It’s been a while since I’ve slept through the night and I felt so good this morning.  I thank Joshua too for sleeping through. 

4. Clean Sheets.  just something about it that makes me want to get into bed.  maybe it’s the smell of fresh and clean or the crisp feeling. I don’t know but I love it.

IMG_0049(did i tell you that I love the color blue!!!) 

5. Volunteers.  this week I’ve been busy trying to sort through all the programs/activities that are available and then choosing the ones in which to volunteer in.  I don’t want to over commit but then I don’t want to not give enough of my time.  Although I must say that it’s been so wonderful to see such great enthusiasm among the parents volunteering here and there.  I really do love the community I live in.

What’s made your week?  Do share!

Happy weekend.


Mari said...

I love clean sheets too, and I'm so happy you slept well!

Lisa notes... said...

Aren’t we blessed to live in an era with such good communication technology? Glad you enjoyed your phone conversation. Now I’m feeling guilty about my piles…I need to work on that! Sleep—what a wonderful invention for us on God’s part. Glad Joshua slept through the night for you. I love sleeping on clean sheets too.

Jerralea said...

We have much in common - I love the color blue, and clean sheets! And even more? I love to have cleared away piles of paper! It's such a great feeling to get rid of a pile!

Of course, I'm now reminded of some piles that have to go ....

Brenda said...

I love clean sheets too, I love the feeling of sliding into freshly laundered sheets.

Clearing papers is a good feeling as well.

Susanne said...

If anything makes me sleep well it's clean sheets. I love the coolness of them.

I always have paper issues going on. That is the one thing organizationally that always gets me. You've inspired me to make another dent in my piles.

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