2014 Snapshots

Friday, August 7

Friday’s Fave Five - #20

springtime FF5 I love looking back on my week and finding the things that made me happy.  Thanks Susanne!  You are a great host and this is such a  wonderful  idea. 

So here is my Five for this week.

1.  Having both girls at the same school.  First day of school for Renee was yesterday.  Tanysha officially starts Monday.  And I’ve been looking forward to this and it’s finally here.  It will just make planning so much more easier.


2. Teachers.  I met my daughters teachers this week and I’m happy to say that there were good vibes.  Even better for me is that my girls like who they have and really that is all that should matter!!

3.  Making progress.  Oh yeah,  we move soon and this week  I  managed to give away a whole heap of toys, trash lots and lots of paper and also go through mountains of clothes.  It’s coming along slowly but I know there will be a reward at the end of it all. – LESS CLUTTER!!

4.  Feeling Good.  So the scale isn’t moving much but I am and I feel wonderful.  Actually strong would have to be the correct word right now.  I’m lifting weights and I believe it’s doing wonders to my metabolism.  But the biggest thing I’ve noticed – I have more energy.  And with a one year old that’s a good thing.

5.  This Psalm 99.9  and this devotion.

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy.


Happy Weekend Everyone.

For more Fave Five’s click here.


annies home said...

so happy you love your daughters teachers. The teachers often make the experience of school good or bad

ellen b said...

It's always great when our kids like their teachers. I hope their new year goes well for them! Good for you for doing some weight training and increasing your strength! Love your devotion and the photo to go with it!

Susanne said...

Your daughters are lovely and I love that picture of the two of them by the tree! So glad they both like their teachers for the year and that you are comfortable with them too! That is so huge for a good learning experience.

Way to go on sticking with your exercise routine. I went to the gym for years and never really lost any weight but I sure looked better, my clothes fit differently and I felt strong and healthy. I applaud you for sticking to your plan.

Lisa notes... said...

Wow--you have had many good things going on this week. I also love when I can get rid of clutter! I need to go through some closets right now.
Hope your girls enjoy their new school year and teachers!

Willow said...

You've convinced me to pull my weights back out when I get home this weekend!

Having the girls at the same school will be wonderful!

Moving! I've done it A LOT. You might want to check out flylady.net and find her moving tips. It will make your move so much easier!

Have a happy weekend, too!

Carleen said...

Clearing out clutter sure does make a person happy! Your daughters are adorable and the orchids gorgeous (I'm crazy for orchids). Have a great weekend!

mom2triplets04 said...

Great uplifting post. I needed to read that. My week was a bit stressful. School already? Wow, we still have 3 more weeks of summer break. Getting rid of clutter is so motivating. I have a few areas of my house that need to be done. I have tried flylady.net but never really stick to it. Looking forward to reading your blog next week. Adding you to my googlereader.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work my friend. Excercise is so important. Excellent picutre of your daughters and it's so nice to like the teachers. Some can be such a drag. Have a great weekend :) Aloha

Marg said...

Looks like you have had a good week.
I think I'm slightly older and I sure struggle trying to get my metabolism going again....
Oh well....Enjoy those little ones.

natsumi said...

You daughters are so cute!! Sounds like they have good teachers! Great! I used to be a teacher before.. I was so excited to meet new students in the first day in school....

Have a great weekend. oxox

natsumi said...

You daughters are so cute!! Sounds like they have good teachers! Great! I used to be a teacher before.. I was so excited to meet new students in the first day in school....

Have a great weekend. oxox

likeschocolate said...

Glad you had a great week. Your daughters are adorable.

Ana Cristina Abreu said...

that's amazing!! i'm happy to know you had a good week!!
and good luck for your girls in school!!

another happy week for you

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