2014 Snapshots

Thursday, March 31

it’s good to know….

nysha's learning

today was parent/teacher conferences at school.  Biggest difference I’ve experienced since I’ve been at this school is that the kids always lead the conference – the 2nd one of the school year anyway.

Tanysha had a guide to help her out with her talking points on what to share with us. The page above is a positive that she wrote about herself and also how she thinks she can be a better team mate. 

She’s loving school and I’m so happy for her.  She was excited to share with us what she’s learning at school and where she’s at, and how she thinks she can improve. 

I like that they are encouraged to take ownership of their learning!! 

nysha's learning-3

We also had conferences with Renee’s teachers.  Like Tanysha she’s also doing well.  There was a lot more talking on where she is, where she can be and how she can get there.

It’s always nice to hear that my kids are doing well in school but what I love the most is to hear from their teachers on how my kids do relationally and socially with their peers and educators. Thankfully it’s always been positives.

I think that is just as important.

hope you had a great day!


Mari said...

It's great to have such good conferences. I think that often the social and behavior things are the most important things to succeed later in life.

Unknown said...

Great stuff! Interaction is so important - the child builds confidence and learns many important aspects of life.

Francesca said...

It's great that the teachers are open to discussing things with the parents - in this country, parents are just supposed to listen.

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