2014 Snapshots

Thursday, September 2

Not so Obvious

IMG_0015IMG_0099 Seasonal changes are not obvious here.  The climate is tropical and the seasons are determined by the monsoons.  so of course there is no distinct change in the air, or the changing of colors around us.  Just rain, heat, humidity and then more rain, heat and more humidity!!

But of course the days just keep rolling on into weeks, and the weeks into months, and September is already here!

Wow - we’re 3 weeks into school already and I think we’re close to settling on the activities and commitments for this semester.   Soccer, tennis, gymnastics and band.  We keep busy.

Unfortunately it’s been a rough start to the month though.  JJ’s been throwing up non-stop and last night we had to take him into the A&E  downtown.  I think he ate something that did not agree with him.  He’s doing okay now and is asleep.  Just keeping him hydrated and encouraging him to eat dry food.– that’s all I can do really and the rest well I’m hoping his body will take care of itself.


Mari said...

Poor JJ! I hope he feels better soon!

Puna said...

ahhh the weather in Thailand. I miss it humidity and heat and all. I hope your son feels better soon.

Francesca said...

Poor little guy! It's so wrenching when they're sick.

;) said...

I hope everything is fine now!

Thanks for these beautiful pictures...

Jewel said...

As much as I do not like the cold, I love seasonal changes and I will miss them when I move to Cambodia! Changing colors in the Fall, Spring's first flower, the first heat wave of summer, the first snowfall...
Poor JJ! I hope he feels better soon. I'm sure it's hard for a momma to watch her sick baby!

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