2014 Snapshots

Monday, August 30


as a mother I have those days, those moments in a day when you just want to bottle up the moment forever.  Not just as a memory but as something tangible – the  feeling.  Especially the feeling of ‘wow’, that feeling of pride.

Well today was one of those days for me. 

My 6 year old finally had the confidence to ride her bike to school.  Actually she’s been wanting to do it for a while but I just haven’t felt comfortable.  But today she did it.  She let go of her fear…….and so did I.


The other moment came when my son asked me – what’s you’re name.  You see we’ve been trying to learn this one for a while.    Joshua gets asked this a lot so I’ve been trying to teach him to answer JJ when someone asks him “what’s your name?’

And today out of now where he asked me and of course after answering ‘mummy’ I asked him the same question, and he answered with a big smile on his face, JJ!

It’s these small moments that make parenting such a joyful thing.

IMG_0005 Hope you’re having a great start to the new week.


Cate said...

mummy JJ, such cuteness all around. congrats on the milestones. you have some seriously cute children, mama!

Mari said...

So sweet! I just love that last picture of Joshua~!

Francesca said...

As a worrier by nature, I totally understand how hard it must have been for you. Your little boy has grown so much Kari!

Jewel said...

Wow! Good for your kids and good for you for conquering your fear too! Have a great week! :)

Theresa said...

So cute! Yay for bike riding!

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