2014 Snapshots

Friday, July 31

Friday’s Fave Five # 19

springtime FF5

It seems to me that time is going by so quickly.  So very quickly. 

But it is that time of the week again.  It’s Friday.

Summer break is over for us and the girls start school next week.  I have mixed feelings about this.  It’s  great to have laid back days, no planning and minimal scheduling but at the same time I’m ready for routines and schedules.  And I think the kids are secretly looking forward to the same.

So for this fave five I bring you pictures.  Pictures of our Summer Down Under (Sydney, Brisbane and the Gold Coast)

DSC06999 Jet lagged.DSCF6056Joshua  feeding the birdsDSC07091Ferry ride across to the Taronga Zoo.  My girls enjoying the trip – Sydney skyline in the back DSC07369 The Family with Ernie & Bert!!DSCF6710


Sun setting – Gold Coast Australia.

I can’t believe that school starts next week.  We had a great summer break.  And once again we’re ready to for another school year. 

Hope you are all enjoying your summer and now I leave you with this quote:

If we take care of the moments , the years will take care of themselves. 

Maria Edgeworth

For more Fave Five’s visit Susanne @ Living To Tell The Story.


Sandy@ Jesus and Dark Chocolate said...

Oh my school starts next week??!!
We don't start until September, and as a teacher I am thankful! :)
Enjoyed all your pictures, the Gold Coast is beautiful!

Susanne said...

The pictures are wonderful. Love the one with Ernie and Bert!

School starts already? Wow, that is fast. Ours doesn't start until the last week of August this year. Usually it's not until after the first weekend of September. I can't imagine going back to school in August.

Ana Cristina Abreu said...

hi kari
schools starts next week too here in brazil!!
you guys had a great time in australia!!
it's gonna be great for them talk about vacation on school.
i bet they have lots of news to talk to friend in school!!

happy weekend and time is really passing by so fast!!

natsumi said...

These family photos are beautiful!! Looks like you had a great great Summer break! Does school start next week? Is the Summer over already?

Have a great weekend! ox

Willow said...

Oh, Kari, my favorite is the family photo with Bert and Ernie! You all love so happy!

What a 'golden' opportunity for you all!

Enjoy your 'back to school routine'.

ellen b. said...

What beautiful photos of your family! Wow school starting already. Enjoy!

Lisa notes... said...

Your pictures are so beautiful. And I love Bert and Ernie. :-)

Enjoy the routines starting back!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness the Bert and Ernie picture is so cool. All of them are. Great list.

Jerralea said...

I loved the pictures, too. Especially the one with Bert and Ernie!

I also loved the quote you shared with us. Very profound.

Palmer and Co said...

Oh, these pictures are fantastic!! You all are beautiful!

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