2014 Snapshots

Sunday, March 15

Modesty – It’s more than just the clothes and my heart. It’s about Representing.

I really enjoyed last weeks series of  “Modest Fashion Week” hosted by Joy @ The Stay-At-Home Missionary.

In the beginning I wasn’t too sure how the series was going to be done,  but I must say I have enjoyed reading all the great posts along with the gorgeous and affordable outfit ideas and reading some if not all of the comments. 

There is a lot I have learnt this past week - not only about myself and my walk with Jesus but that there are some great companies out there run by God fearing and loving women who really just want to love and serve Jesus.  Also seeing and reading the dialogue from women all over who also want to love and serves Jesus the best way we can.  That makes my heart smile.

So like I said I learnt much this past week and I’d like to share. 

I’ve always been able to dress pretty modestly thanks to my culture and upbringing.  I’m so thankful for this because when I became a Christian dressing modestly wasn’t a big stretch for me. I’m not saying that all was perfect and I always dressed appropriately – no not at all.  There were days when I’d have this itch to push the boundaries.  When  my skirts would be a little shorter or my pants/jeans a little tighter.  Oh yeah I had those days. 

Even after I finished college and started working I continued to take care of the way I dressed and how I presented myself as a child of God.  But all this changed not when I got married but after my kids.  I continued to dress modestly but this modesty turned into frumpy and not nice.  I started to cover myself a lot – meaning I would wear that bleach stained t-shirts and stay in sweat pants all day.  I would wear baggy , over sized shirts and put on the shorts and skirts that were just not flattering.  I stopped taking care of myself.  I was so focused on my kids and husband that I forgot to take care of me.  I really just didn’t care how I looked. 

During the week’s series I was reminded that not only am I a wife, and a mother but most importantly I am a child of God.  A daughter of the King of Kings.  His ambassador here on earth.  And by not taking care of myself I am not representing the God that I call Father very well.

Yes modestly is an issue of the heart and it’s all about motive and intent.  And as God’s children beauty is skin deep – always.  But it must manifest, it must come out not only in our actions and the way we conduct ourselves,  but also in the way we dress.

As a mother I want my children to always dress well, to look pretty and cute and handsome because  in some way they represent me as their parent.  Now how much more should I as God’s child take care of the way I look and dress.  Am I not representing God, my Father ?

This is what I have learnt this week. 

That not only do I have to continue to dress modestly but I must take care of myself.  I must take pride in the way I look. Not only for my husband and children but more importantly because I have proclaimed that God is my Father and I am His child.  He is the King and I am his princess.  That wherever I am, I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ.  

Now I need to go out and dress like it……… and represent!

1 comment:

anne said...

This is a great post! Thank you for sharing! You are right it is about representation. God bless you!

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