2014 Snapshots

Wednesday, February 6

22 Weeks and Counting

I'm getting heavy and I still have a fair way to go. Today I am officially 22 weeks into my pregnancy. I feel great and I have this renewed energy. Which is way better than my early days. And I'm keeping myself busy and I'm also trying to be active but I feel like I'm putting on weight way too fast because I feel like an elephant!!
If you've seen the side bar of my blog you will notice my latest cravings. I know there is a Starbucks Frappucinno in there but I think this is one craving I can (and must) control. I'm sure these craving will change as I progress in my weeks.

My body is sore from yesterday's yoga class but this is something I'm going to commit too. The classes are 3 times a week and I 'm going to try and attend all 3. I'me also looking into joining a prenatal swimming class. The weather here has been so humid lately that I just don't want to get out there and walk anymore like I was a couple of weeks ago, so I figure swimming would be the best way to go.

Otherwise all is well and I'm actually enjoying this pregnancy.
Till next time......

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