2014 Snapshots

Thursday, May 12

one year

it was a year ago on a Thursday evening that I got that call I somehow knew would be coming, and it was the one I didn’t want to get.

the one when they told me that Dad had died peacefully and was now gone and no longer in pain.  Even though it’s been a year the pain and loss still feels like it was only yesterday when I got that call.

tonight mom found it especially hard as I could see her recalling Dad’s last hours.  Actually it’s been a tough week as she’s been remembering their last days together.  Some memories are painful while others bring a smile to her face.

I miss Dad terribly but I also know that there is no more pain, and knowing that brings my heart peace.

Even after a year, not a day goes by when something or someone reminds me of my father and his happy and gentle spirit.

I’m missing You Dad….so very much.

DSC04458happy days!

tomorrow will be a difficult day(the actual last day of Dad’s life) as it was the day that many things changed.

One year ago you died, and still we mourn,

Nor will our mourning end till it be night,

Even as time turns our tears to light

Years hence, when this may be more easily borne.

Each moment of your passion and delight,

As clear as sunshine, bountiful and bright,

Remains our fortune now that you are gone

Nicholas Gordon

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