2014 Snapshots

Sunday, April 10



I’m hoping you’re all having a great weekend.

we spent half the day today at the doctors with the kids having their medical check-ups done.  These checks always make me nervous, but I’m relieved to say that all is well with my kids.

Rohan and I do ours tomorrow and I’m nervous for me!!  I don’t enjoy these checks.

I was really hoping that my mum and siblings would be here tomorrow but it won’t be happening. So it looks like we’re spending Spring break on our own.  I was hoping they’d be here to spend it with us but not to be.  They should be here next week.

We have a week off school and it’s also Songkran – Thailand’s New Year.  It’s also known as the Water festival so it will also be a wet week!!  my kids and I always look forward to getting wet and wetting others but it’s more than just getting wet.

Many Thai’s will head to a Wat (temple) to pray and give food to the monks.  Buddha images either in homes or at monasteries will also be cleansed by gently pouring fragranced water over them. 


I always enjoy watching these kinds of activities.  Although it’s been almost 4 years here I am still a tourist!

I’m looking forward to the week and I hope you are too.

Wishing you all a Happy week!

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