2014 Snapshots

Monday, November 2

A time to say thank you

to the water goddess.

Today was one of Thailand’s most popular festivals.  It is known as the Loy Krathong. From what I understand it’s a time to say thank you to the river/water and all that she provides to them and it’s also an opportunity to say sorry for the bad(pollution) that they cause.

I love learning about these festivities and participating in them,  so today I volunteered at Tanysha’s class to help them make their Krathongs.  A krathong is a lotus-shaped vessel made of banana leaves.  And Loy literally means “to float”.

So you can imagine the excitement of the kids knowing that they would be able to float their handy work into the lake here tonight.

Here are some pictures:

orchids for krathong yellow flowers for krathongs flowers for krathongs flowers used to decorate the krathongNysha making her krathong Tanysha making her Krathong.making krathongfinished krathong Finished KrathongDSCF9880 waiting her turn to float her Krathong and say thank you.DSCF9882 And off she sends it….DSCF9884

The neatest thing was that it was a great opportunity for Tanysha’s teacher to talk about the importance of rivers and our role in keeping them clean.

For more pictures you can head over to my picture blog.


Francesca said...

It's a beautiful celebration and a good teaching. But I'm sure that just working with those amazing flowers must have been a good reminder for the children of the importance of keeping our environment clean!

Anonymous said...

OMG...what a great celebration and way to teach the kids. The photos are just magnificent and the little boats with those flowers were just awesome :)

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