As I sit here and type I am at a loss for words. I have had all afternoon to take in what my fathers doctor shared with me and I really don’t know what to say. But I do know in my heart that this God I believe in, this God that I have prayed to over that last couple of days and have taken His Promises back to Him is totally in control.
I’m thankful that after so many tests the doctor was able to tell me that the cancer has not spread to his brain, bones or vital organs. I think we have caught it at it’s early stages. If anything we may be able to do something about it and by doing so are going to be able to add a couple more years of life for Dad. I’m so thankful and grateful – God has once again extended His mercy, grace and healing.
What makes this even more special for me is that my father never really wanted to come to Thailand to spend a couple of months with me and my family. He kept on resisting and coming up with all sorts of excuses not to travel, but boy am I glad that he did. If anything good is to come of this trip then I hope this is it. That we are able to help him medically.
I understand that Dad still needs to be treated and he does still need Chemo. But for today it was great to receive some good news.
Psalm 33:20 - 22 (The Message)
20-22 We're depending on God;
he's everything we need.
What's more, our hearts brim with joy
since we've taken for our own his holy name.
Love us, God, with all you've got—
that's what we're depending on.
1 comment:
" much more will your father in heaven give good things to those who ask him" (matt7:11).
I am thankful for the good news!Let us continue to keep our minds filled with the concept of Gods control over everything. There are times when we feel God cannot lift the darkness from us but we must continue to trust Him for He is with us always.You are a mighty woman of God and you serve a God who does the impossibilities.4yrs ago my mom had a MASSIVE stroke whilst in Sydney and the doctors there said there was nothing they could do except turn off the machines. I insisted and so they sent her back home.Today she is well and doing all that she was doing before in the village,a living testimony!.Be encouraged, with you in prayer,ck.
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