I can’t believe this is my 2nd week to do this. I started last week on the fun from Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I’m not very good at being consistent!! It really is just a peak into my day, my week and what I learnt during last week.
If you are interested, hop on over to Diary of a SAHM and join in.
On My Bedside Table:
My Bible
The 15 minute Organizer. (I need all the help I can get)
On My TV:
CNN International (I know they repeat the same news like every hour but I still gotta watch)
Hallmark Channel
On the Menu for tonight:
Something with Chicken in it. Haven’t decided what exactly yet but there will be chicken because this family loves chicken.
On My To Do list:
Sweep/mop Dad’s room. I’m hopeful he will be discharged this week.
Go through toys and clothes and anything else to give away.
Walk/exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times this week
New Recipe I Tried Last Week:
Salmon with Gingery Cabbage. It was easy and quick and that always works. You can fine this recipe in the January Issue of Good Housekeeping.
In the craft Basket:
nothing again. Although I did look at my scrapbooks which are all a work in progress. I hope to get started again.
Looking Forward to:
Having Dad back at home
Doing Yoga again
Homemaking Tip for this week:
I guess this is not really a Homemaking tip but more for some order because Monday mornings are usually crazy. So on Sunday nights I get my girls to pack their bags and lay out their clothes for school. It does make for a less chaotic morning.
Favorite Blog post of the Week: (mine of other):
wasn’t able to read much this week.
Favorite photo from last week:
Lessons learned the past few days:
Like any other mom I love my children fiercely and want the best for them. I often come to God with all sorts of requests for them because I want them to be happy. Or is it because in some twisted way I think that if my children are successful in sports or academically then it will be a good reflection on my parenting.
Lately God has gently reminded me that what I want for my children is not necessarily what God has planned for them. And above all my worth should not be defined in terms of others and that includes my children.
I must love God with all my heart, and I’m learning to continually surrender my children to Him.
On My Prayer List:
Dad’s continued recovery. I have seen the hand of God this past week and I know He is faithful.
My husband
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verse:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should not look only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4
So glad you're still doing this, I loved reading your list.
Your lesson...wow, that is one tough one isn't it? I tend to want to control everything and especially when it comes to my children so it's hard to step back and realize that what I may want for them may not be what is in God's plans.
Oh I love the bright cheerful fish picture. Your lesson learned.....I'm still learning. Its one of those "give it to God" on a regular-daily-sometimes-moment by moment lessons!
Your fish are so cute !! I love big puffy goldfish ... if only I could keep them alive !
I'm like you Bonnie. I love the fish but I can never keep them alive too long. The ones in my picture are from the shop. I was contemplating on whether to try again.
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