2014 Snapshots

Thursday, February 5

Bloggy Interview.

Saw an interview over at Mari’s my new blogging friend and she asked if anyone else wanted an interview and I said okay. 

Here is the interview:

1) Why do you blog? 

Blogging is new to me. I did not know that there is this whole blogging world out there.  Tis’ a neat thing though.  I can’t remember exactly why, but I do recall around the time when I was getting ready to leave the US, a friend suggested that I blog as a way for us to communicate and remain informed of the happenings in our lives.   After thinking about it  I decided to do it.  It’s great and we do keep in touch.  I don’t have a theme for my blog, it’s so random – but  a lot of it is pretty much about my kids, family, what we’re doing and my faith.  It’s also something to do and I enjoy it. 

2) If you could meet any person, living or dead, who would it be?

I had to really think about this one.  There are so many people that I’d really like to meet  but you asked for a person, so here is that person – Nelson Mandela.  I have stood in his presence but to meet him and chat would just be awesome.

3)What is your greatest fear, and why? 

My greatest fear would have to be failing as a mother. I worry sometimes that I’m not doing it right. I always think that  I could be doing a better job at it. Right up there with this fear is another and that is that my children may not accept the simplicity of faith in Christ Jesus .  They ask a lot of questions which is wonderful but I also see a downside. I spend a lot of time on my knees!

4)Who has had the greatest influence on your life? 

I’m not able to name one person.  Instead I had a great group of friends at college – God fearing women who I believe God used to impact and influence my life.  I am thankful to them and for them .  

5) If money or time were no object, where would you like to vacation?

I love planes and I love travelling.  So I’m not able to name just one place.  Instead I would travel the world, not once but twice – zigzagging across all 7 continents.  That would just be awesome!!

Thanks for the questions Mari.  I hope you have learnt a little bit more about me.

Anyone else reading this and wants to be interviewed go ahead, let me know.  I’ll interview you.


1 comment:

Mari said...

Thanks for doing this Kari. I've enjoyed reading your answers. I'm also enjoying this blog. I've only seen your picture blog until now. Your kids are so cute!

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