2014 Snapshots

Thursday, November 27

And we're out of Sugar!!

So today in Thailand we're celebrating Thanksgiving! (As for the USA it will be tomorrow) but anyway in Thailand - today is Thanksgiving.  The compound I live in has a large American community so it's Turkey Day in a lot of houses here.

Although I lived in the US for a couple of years I never really caught onto the whole day of cooking and family gathering to give thanks together thing.  As a Papua New Guinean/pacific islander we kinda do that kind of thing often - there is no set date!

Anyway so I went to our local grocery shop to buy some stuff to make Panther Pops for Renee's school fundraiser, and there was no sugar!!  In fact a lot of  ingredients required for baking were gone.  Mother's and maids all over Nichada must have been busy baking!!  Thankfully though I have just enough sugar for what I need to do so no biggy!!!

Well hope everyone has a good feeding of Turkey and pumpkin pies today.  And as we feast let's be thankful for so much that we have been blessed with.


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!


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