2014 Snapshots

Monday, July 21

16 More Days till...........

Renee starts 4th grade and I can't believe it!! Where has time gone to?

I remember her first day at school (Early Learning) and how horrible I felt because I left her in tears and I knew she was afraid. She was 3 and I was working and it was one of those things I had to do.

Renee's first school photo from Ela/Murray International School.

Renee in 3rd grade with her friends @ISB - International School of Bangkok.

As I go through her school photo's I realize that my baby has grown up and will only continue to grow.

I'm excited for her and the opportunities that are there for her. I'm thankful that my daughter has that opportunity to grow up in an International environment that is no doubt exposing her to different people, cultures and beliefs.

4th grade should be interesting - not only for her but also for me. New challenges and new journeys but in my heart I know that there is one constant, and that is Jesus Christ. I pray that Renee recognizes that one constant and that through this school year we do not falter or waver or take our eyes of Him.


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