2014 Snapshots

Thursday, April 3

Baby Update !!

I am now 30 weeks pregnant and all of a sudden my once little bump is not so little anymore. It has so grown and is now very noticeable.
The nights are becoming more difficult and uncomfortable not only because of the heat here in Thailand but also because right now I am experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions. They say some women don't feel them - well trust me I am feeling every single one of these contractions. My tummy becomes so tight and then after a couple of seconds it relaxes. My baby isn't as active anymore but when he needs to move he moves alright!!

My weight gain for this pregnancy has been a lot compared to my first two, and I know that it's contributing to my discomfort. Not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. I'm trying to be positive about it and look at it as only temporary but it's difficult. Really pregnancy is only a season/journey and my 9 months is coming to a close. I have about 9 more weeks after this week and so my countdown has begun.

Agghh .......... did I say 9 more weeks to go .......... Yikes I need to get organized!! I haven't yet made a list of what I need to buy and more importantly prepare a birth plan. Oh my I have to get going before I really don't feel like doing anything!!

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