2014 Snapshots

Monday, January 4

Tough Day…..for Joshua.

Joshua’s  not been well today. He’s come down with a cold and after visiting the doctor I learned that his tonsils are red and inflamed.  So the poor little guy has not had the best of days.

And to make matters worse when he got up this morning his best friend for the past 2 weeks “his daddy” was no where to be seen.

Rohan’s been at home these past 2 weeks holidaying and today went back to work.

JJ has been a real daddy’s boy these past 2 weeks so it’s going to take sometime adjusting to letting me just do things for him and with him.

DSCF1120Phuket 2009. DSCF1288 JJ helping assemble his Christmas present. DSCF2099Erawan waterfall 2009

The girls go back to school next week…… that should be interesting!


Thom said...

Awww poor Joshua...It makes you feel so bad when there isn't anything you can do. I hope he gets better real soon. :) What a great Daddy. It's so heartwarming to hear when dad's take such an important part in the childs life :)

likeschocolate said...

Hope he feels better soon! :(
Happy New Year!

Horlic said...

Hope he get well soon!

Francesca said...

It must have been nice to have some daddy time for two weeks! My kids always have a hard time adjusting back to the normal work schedule after the holidays. Hope your little one feels better soon.

MODsquad said...

Oh, poor little one... Praying for God's healing for him.

jane said...

hope joshua feels better real soon. daniel has the exact same thing- today was the first time i heard him laugh in a week. warm hugs kari!

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